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What to expect from your free home consultation

Have you been dreaming about transforming your outdoor space into a usableelegant space, and are feeling ready to get started on making it happen? Then this blog is for you.

Our free home consultations offer a possibility for you to ask all the questions you have, to receive design tips and ideas for a customized solution to your home. Investing into your outdoor space is a big decision, and the goal of the visit is to help in making a good, personalized solution for your home. 

It’s never too early to start considering your outdoor space. For example, if you are planning on building a home, taking Lumon into your plans right from the beginning is a great idea. That way, we can ensure that the implementation of your retractable sunroom is made as efficient and practical as possible.

What the design consultation looks like

For the visit, it is best that all the decision-makers are present! Installing a sunroom is a life-long investment, so if you have children, it’s a good idea to have them along as well. Think to yourself: who will be using this sunroom the most? Who’s life will it improve? 

Before the home visit, research your desires for your outdoor space, and make sure all parties involved are on the same page about this upcoming, exciting project! If you have a budget in mind, do not hesitate to be open about that, as well. The more information Lumon’s Design Consultant has to work with, the better.

The free home consultation covers, in principle, the following: 

  • “Meet n’ greet” with one of Lumon’s local Design Consultants
  • Discussing the customer’s needs and the possible problems which are to be solved
  • Discussing Lumon’s product

At the end of the visit, you will be left with 3D renderings of your upcoming project and an accurate quote. 

Lumon is a reliable partner

What questions can you expect to have answered?

When it comes to getting your questions answered – there’s one key thing to keep in mind: there can never be too many questions. The more you discuss things on your mind, the more Lumon can make sure that the space is designed in a way that makes the space usable for you

During the visit, you will learn lots about Lumon’s product and its versatile use. Many do not even consider how much more enjoyment will be brought into their lives, if they decide to invest into making their outdoor space a usable, relaxing oasis. 

Of course, cost of the project will also be covered, which often holds some weight as a deciding factor. Although one may assume Lumon’s product is expensive because it’s ‘just glass’, there are many components that comprise the total price, which should be considered! When making the decision to buy, consider what all makes the price of your sunroom

Any questions or advice regarding to design will also be discussed in detail with the Design Consultant.

Permits and permitting processes can also be talked about. 

What elements of your home play a factor in the design process?

The attachment of the room to the building as well as the existing foundation play a key role in how the project can best be executed. Having a good base for the project is an important starting point, so that the sunroom can be installed securely. It’s also a good idea to consider any possible surface repairs before the sunroom is installed, as doing so after the fact may be increasingly challenging. 

The Design Consultant will also help to design the room according to your planned use of the space. For example, walkways, direction of opening of the glazing, etc. are all important elements to consider already in the planning phase.

Consultation to installation: Lumon sunroom

The length of the process

At your home consultation, we are ready to sign the deal if you areThe home consultation will provide you with information to help make an informed decision. Once the order is sent to production, the delivery time varies between 8-14 weeks, depending on the scope of the project and current projects.

What things may come as a surprise!

Often, customers do not really realize how transformed their outdoor space can become. Think of it like an extra special room in the house, which can be used for get-togethers, as a kid’s playroom, a dinner party, a semi-outdoor gym… the possibilities are endless! The retractability and easiness of use are also often elements which impress customers. Finally, your outdoor space can be put to the use it deserves. Your outdoor space can be used for so many more things than it is right now! 

And remember… if you are just designing your home, or building it, or have been living in the same home for many years – there’s no ‘correct timeline’ on when you can start your project! You can even start today. Our Design Consultants are there to help you and guide you in making your outdoor dreams come true. 

Want to start already today? You can!

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