More room for life with Lumon Sunroom

From Consultation to Sunroom Installation: What You Can Expect

It’s raining again, and you’re covering up the barbeque and furniture, hoping to use the outdoor space when the weather is somewhat manageable. This is the moment you decide to have a consultant from Lumon Canada come to assist you with options. 

If you are wondering what the entire process is like to get Lumon glazing installed, here is a step-by-step guide on what to expect from your Lumon experience.

Sunroom installation process

First Consultation

Whether it’s your backyard patio or porch, condo balcony, or townhouse deck, Lumon can provide various options for your installation, that is why we value an initial on-site consultation. We aim to keep this visit casual. We want to hear about the problems with the space that you are trying to solve which can help us guide you to the right product. This can be as simple as changing a sliding wall system to retractable or more complex such as locating attachment details. However, this first meeting is to get you all the relevant information about design and pricing so you can feel confident in your purchase. 

Your consultant will be measuring the space and entering data into our proprietary program, which calculates materials and cost while also displaying a 3D model of the solarium and/or glazing system. By the end of this meeting, you should have a calculated price, an installation timeline (which is subject to the final agreement), and any other additional scope of work that may need to be addressed by a third-party contractor. You can find more here – What to expect from your free home consultation.

Lumon design consultant providing a 3-D rendering

Final Measure

The decision has been made, Lumon is right for the job. After deposits are made, your Design Consultant will come back to the site with an Install Manager. On site, they will spend the time confirming all measurements and potentially making any necessary changes. This is a great time to ask any questions regarding the installation, permit processing, and to get to know your Install Manager. He will be the ordering materials, booking timelines, and overseeing the project as a whole. 

Measurement for Lumon Sunroom


The day has finally arrived, after the status updates and the two-week notice, you received a message that morning that your Lumon glazing system has arrived and your install team is on the way. Depending on the scope and size of the project, the timeline can be as short as 1-2 days or as long as a week. Your installer will introduce himself and keep you up to date on your project as he gets it prepared. Here’s how you can best prepare for your install visit. You do not necessarily need to be home during the installation, but it would be wise to keep your cell phone nearby if there is anything to notify you of during the process. The installations are generally quiet as compared to other construction considering most of the materials are precut to size at our production facility in Vaughan, Ontario. However, like any other renovation, you should expect to be hearing impact drills and the like. 

Lumon maintenance and installation

More Room for Life

Your installation is complete. You have now signed off the final documents with your installer and your room is ready to use. You can now put together your furniture, keep the covers in storage and enjoy your outdoor living space in all sorts of weather conditions. Host a dinner, have dessert, or spend time with loved ones in your new Lumon space. This space is perfect to make your own with infinite ways to decorate (more tips on decorating here – How to decorate your balcony). And off you go! Now that you know what to expect from the process, it’s time to get started!

More room for life with your sunroom

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