Best things to do in summer in your sunroom

Best summer activities in the sunroom

Summer, bugs, and the warm weather are here! Spending time outdoors is one of the greatest ways to spend a summer. However, many of us still work in the summertime, and getting out may not always be possible.

In the evenings, when you would like to sit down, relax and enjoy the patio or your outdoor space, the bugs may be disturbing your peace, or perhaps the weather forecast called for a rainy evening. 

With a sunroom, enjoying summer outdoors is made much more possible. Here are some of the best summer activities for your sun room: 

Your sunroom as a remote office

At least a portion of our summer is most probably spent working. With an office job, you may find yourself thinking that it would be nice to be outside. A sunroom is a great idea for a remote office, because you are protected from the sun’s UV rays and surrounding noise, but you are still enjoying the summer weather. 

With a retractable room, you can ventilate the space as needed, as well. Decorating the room with bright colors and greenery will also hopefully add some inspiration to your workday.

Home office at Lumon Canada

Summer playroom

Summer is time for summer holidays for the kids, too. The sunroom is a great space to transform into a fun space for the kids, so you can hopefully enjoy some peace and quiet indoors. Pets also love the room equally! 

If you don’t have the time for a camping trip or are otherwise busied by life, pitch up a tent in the sunroom and host a mini camping getaway for the kids (or yourself) in your backyard. Sunrooms are very versatile spaces and can add more room for life, whatever that looks like for you.

Dinner nights

Another great way to use your outdoor space is to make it into a dining space for your friends and family. Dining outdoors enhances the senses and makes dining a much more enjoyable experience. Our retractable glass walls can be paired with retractable screens, so that you can ensure that the bugs are kept at bay, while still enjoying the soft summer winds. 

Preparing your deck for sunroom install

Sunroom garden

If you’re into gardening, plants love the sunroom, too! With retractable walls, there is the possibility for ventilation, which some plants might need. For plants that perhaps need less sunlight, a great idea is to have your retractable walls and roof paired with some blinds, so that you can give your plants the protection they need.

Here’s more about the best plants for the sunroom for the spring and summertime.

A reading nook

If you want your sunroom to be a place you can relax and unwind in, that is possible, too! Bring your yoga mat and enjoy a morning coffee outdoors or make yourself a cozy reading corner in the sunroom. Especially if the sunroom space is small, this is a great way to make use of it. Even a small sunroom can have plenty of use.

With a sunroom, you make more room for the best of summer activities. The ways you can put your sunroom to use are endless… your imagination is the only limit. Book a free consultation with one of our professional Design Consultants to start building your outdoor dream today.

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