Sustainability Validations
At Lumon, we place a strong emphasis on research and development to ensure our balcony glazing solutions are at the forefront of innovation and efficiency. Our dedicated team of experts meticulously studies and tests every aspect of our products, from thermal insulation and noise reduction to durability and environmental impact. We collaborate with leading universities and research institutions, drawing on the latest scientific advancements and real-world data to continuously improve our offerings.
Our commitment to research is evident in our extensive portfolio of studies and dissertations. For example, we’ve demonstrated up to 16% savings in heating energy costs, based on rigorous calculations and simulations presented in renowned academic publications. Our noise reduction capabilities, achieving up to 20dB, are backed by thorough laboratory measurements and field tests.
We also prioritize sustainability, ensuring our products are made from 95% recyclable materials, with a rapid carbon footprint offset of just over three years. By investing heavily in research, we are able to deliver balcony glazing solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, providing tangible benefits in energy efficiency, comfort, and environmental responsibility. Our relentless pursuit of knowledge and excellence drives us to continually set new standards in the industry.

Fulfills energy requirements – Up to 16% heating energy savings
Balcony glazing can help reduce heating energy costs by adding thermal insulation and protection against extreme weather conditions, keeping homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer, reducing the need for heating and cooling systems. Research indicates that in Europe, balcony glazing typically reduces heating energy consumption by 2 to 16%.
Based on a calculation formula presented in his dissertation, the method can be found starting from page 251 (the actual formula can be found on page 38 in the annex).
Source: Hilliaho Kimmo. (2017). Energy Saving Potential and Interior Temperatures of Glazed Spaces: Evaluation through Measurements and Simulations (p. 251-258). Tampere University of Technology. Publication 1480.
According to researches, glazed balconies result in energy savings of 300 kWh on average compared to balconies without glazing.
Source: Hilliaho Kimmo, Mäkitalo Eerik, Lahdensivu Jukka. (2015). Energy saving potential of glazed space: Sensitivity analysis. Tampere University of Technology.

Noise protection – Up to 20dB noise reduction
Balcony glazing can significantly reduce the amount of noise on a balcony and also noise entering an apartment. Our standard balcony glazing and railing solution offers noise reduction of up to 20 decibels on a balcony. Practically that means that the experienced noise is halved.
Based on our own calculations and tests, as well as Anttoni Kananen’s thesis.
Source: Kananen, Anttoni. (2015). Designing balcony glazing’s sound insulation based on laboratory measurements. Master’s Thesis in Finnish.

Protects balcony structures –
5-10 years extended maintenance cycle
Balcony glazing extends maintenance intervals and reduces lifetime costs by protecting the building’s exterior, cutting balcony renovation needs by half and significantly lowering the property’s life cycle expenses.
Source: Mattila, Jussi. (2007). Effect of Balcony Glazing on the Durability of Concrete Structures in Nordic Climate. In Portugal SB07. Suistainable Construction. Materials and Practices. Challenge of the Industry for the New Millenium, International Conference on Sustainable Construction, Lisbon, Portugal 12-13-14 September 2007 (pp. 241-248).

95% recyclable materials – Carbon footprint offset in <3,5 years
Glass and aluminium are recyclable raw materials. It’s estimated that the carbon dioxide emissions from manufacturing, transporting, and installing our glazing products are offset within an average of 3 years and 4 months in a building where non-carbon-neutral energy is used. The quick payback is caused by the energy efficiency and protective benefits of glazings for structures.
Calculation is based on the material contents, 95% glass and aluminum.
Source: Environmental Product Declaration: Lumon Balcony, façade and terrace products: Modular product group EPD.